
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cognitivism as a Learning Theory

7105 Mod 2 Blog Post

Which –ism to use?

This seems to be a controversial area when it comes to learning. So which –ism shall be used: Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism, or Connectivism? You ask yourself the question, “How does one determine if learning has actually occurred?”  Bill Kerr and Karl Kapp converse over learning theories and the influence it has on student learners. After reading the blog by Kerr (2007), I believe that all –isms should be given the opportunity to be presented to the learner, so the learner can figure out which way is the best way to learn. I believe in the “mixed” bag effect. Karl Kapp (2007) wrote to Bill stating, “I particularly like your comment about the concept of taking a little bit from each school of thought, I really believe that is the essence of good educational design. Creating learning utilizing an entire tool kit of philosophies, techniques and ideas”. Dreana Marshall-Stuart supports Kapp’s (2007) statement by saying,  “It is true that no one theory can stand alone and be strong in itself, but if we apply different aspects of each theory to fill a particular learning need then we may be able to design a course that can be consider exceptional in terms of the learning processes”.

After reading the blog by Kerr (2007), this quote sums it all up. I love it! “Since no two people are alike, we will never get to a point where one -ism will serve all”.

There are so many level of learners in one classroom, I don’t think just one theory would suit all. Since I have been taking this class, I find myself wondering about what theories are used in the special education learning environment. So my question to you is, “What do you think is the best theory for learning for students with learning disabilities?” I found an article on the web that briefly talks about learning theories and special education by Gwen Hardy:

These articles describe many theories that might meet the needs of a special needs child. Hardy goes on to say, “there is a long list of theories that can be applied as different strategies to help teach children, so one is not working, find a new one”. I agree with her that not one theory will benefit all students just as Kapp’s (2007) blogs confer.


 “Since no two people are alike, we will never get to a point where one -ism will serve all”. Retrieved from:

Hardy, Gwen.  A Child with Needs

Kerr, B. (2007, January 1). _isms as filter, not blinker [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Monday, March 9, 2015

EDUC 7105

Mod 1 7105

It is very important that we do not become narrow minded in our teachings because everybody learns in a different way.   The 3 main ways a learner can learn: auditory, visual and tactile-which one are you? I am a visual learner, especially since I am hearing impaired.  Take this fun quiz I stumbled upon (go to learning style), assess your learning preference: 

There are many beliefs and theories on how people learn best in the educational setting. Behaviorism seems to be a foundation of most learning theories. Not only is it based on programmed instruction, sequenced curricula, workbooks and work stations, it is learned through practice and reinforcement. Behaviorism is based on observable behavior that is measurable, whether a desired behavior or undesired. The reason my beliefs are influenced by the Behaviorist point of view, is my teaching background. I have taught in the special education field, first at The Maryland School for the Blind and now Ridge Ruxton. Ridge Ruxton School, where I formerly work, provides programs for students from three to twenty-one years of age who have been identified as developmentally delayed, intellectually limited, autistic-like, and/or multiple disabilities. We use IEP’s (Individualized Education Program) which demonstrate the need to teach each student individually because of their learning needs.

Siemens (2008) suggests that “The change pressures within society (millennium learners, information growth, advancing technologies) are increasingly being confronted within education, suggesting the need for research on tools and required educational approaches in order to meet learners needs” (p.7). There has been discussions that some higher institutions are not meeting these needs. In reality, we need “to align teaching and learning with the realities of the new global century” (p.8). In actuality, we are in a new era and will continue to push the boundaries with educational innovations.

 For your viewing pleasure, please click on link below as it will ease us into this class.


Siemens, G. (2008, January 27). Learning and Knowing in networks: Changing roles for     educators and designers. Paper presented to ITFORUM. Retrieved from

What’s Your Learning Style? The learning Styles    Retrieved from Web:    
Learning Theories Overview   Retrieved from the web and created by