
Monday, January 9, 2012

EDUC-7102 storyboard

“Virtual worlds might be useful tools in online teaching because of their ability to engage students in interactions with the instructor and others in the class as well as with their environment”( Baker, S. C., Wentz, R. K., & Woods, M. M. 2009).  It provides opportunities by building a community for interactions when face-to-face is not an option. The potential of different users covers a wide spectrum from; kids, students, educators and business'. I am in the process of developing a video that describes virtual worlds and the many uses of it.
I am having troubles with my storyboard please let me know if this works.


  1. Your stated topic is virtual worlds. I see augmented reality as used with patients on your story board as well as virtual gaming. Including all three topics confuses me. In which learning theory will you ground your project? I am so glad you got your blog working!

    1. Lisa- relooking at my storyboard- you are right! I agree there is to much content and will edit-it was my first attempt so I put in everything I could think of. Thanks for your response

  2. Sue,

    Are you planning to only focus on virtual worlds? If so, I would cut out gaming, as gaming is a huge topic on its own. You might find some useful resources here:

    regarding virtual environments for learning (though the Swan article does not seem to be available any more). Do you feel the technology requirements of effectively navigating and engaging in a virtual world may be prohibitive? This is something that I am debating over with my topic, MMORPGs.
