
Monday, June 1, 2015

Technology Integration and Curriculum 7106

Problem: People who are overweight or who have health problems are subjected to humiliation through mandatory physical education classes. How can physical education classes overcome this situation?

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Philosophy of Learning

Mod 6 Blog 7105 

      As an educator, I believe we should not follow one theorist but use a mixing pot of the theorist ideas to meet the student’s needs. I believe in being active or involved verses lectures. The designer and learner should have an active role in what the content is and how it is delivered. Learning should be fun and interactive (not static) and students should have a voice.   In this digital era, students have been accustomed to the use of technical devices inside and outside of the school setting. Technology in Education (2011) states, “The opportunities include greater access to rich, multimedia content, the increasing use of online course taking to offer classes not otherwise available, the widespread availability of mobile computing devices that can access the Internet, the expanding role of social networking tools for learning and professional development, and the growing interest in the power of digital games for more personalized learning”.

     This course has provided many readings and exercises on learning theories and their perspective methods. All the theorist we have learned about provide valid content to back their theory up. All people learn differently as well as educators teaching methods. With that said, Gardner’s multiple intelligences comes to my mind. Gardner states, “Multiple intelligences theory can be used for curriculum development, planning instruction, selection of course activities, and related assessment strategies” and “students’ multiple learning preferences can be addressed when instruction includes a range of meaningful and appropriate methods, activities, and assessments”. Using Gardner’s intelligences, students will be able to understand their strengths and weaknesses and educators can build upon their abilities to develop confidence and self-esteem. In my own school setting (special education), we use the behaviorist approach based on human behavior. We offer rewards, reinforcement and behavior modification-just to name a few.

Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences.  Retrieved from:

Technology in Education. (2011). Education Week. Retrieved from:

I replied to:



Thursday, May 7, 2015

New Technologies

Blog post module 5    7105

I will start off by saying I have not had the opportunity myself, to introduce new technology into our workplace but our tech liaisons have. They introduced a program called BCPS One. BCPS One is a system wide gradebook. “Through the BCPS One system, all the district's programs and initiatives around student data, assessments, curriculum, instruction, reporting, and analysis are being fully integrated into a single, user-friendly, platform. For the 2014-2015 school year, phase one of BCPS One has been implemented to provide a Web-based communication and collaboration set of tools which provide a single, unified presence to distribute information and actively engage the community in the instructional process. Through BCPS One, educators are also able to communicate classroom level information with colleagues, leadership, parents, and students” (BCPS One). This was and still is a fairly new program to our school and we are still going through training.

Prior to the introduction of this program, a few rumbles of negative remarks were surfacing. The problem is this new program is excellent for regular school classes and teachers, not for special education-we do not do grades. I see the need and the programming for regular schools and the benefits that will accompany them using the BCPS One program. However, some of our teachers were not inclined to accept this program open heartedly. I did notice the teachers who were not accepting of this program, are the older generation, teachers who have been at the school over 15 years.

After reading John M. Keller’s ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction) model, I would try to utilize some aspects of the model by capturing the (older) teacher’s attention and stimulating their curiosity. I believe that these older teachers are pretty much set in their ways and new programs/technology is a challenge and they lack motivational skills. Listed below is a video that I would present to the teachers, it was created to inspire teachers today to use technology in their teachings.

Driscoll (2005) talks about Keller’s ARCS model by saying in order for these to work, “students must believe that it is related to their personal goals and will meet their specific needs”. I would transfer this statement to the teachers. I would further more tell them that they already have the skills within them but just need to build upon them. I think the teachers would be surprised how easily it might come to them once they practice. Again, this program doesn’t benefit our school but it is required by Baltimore County. The County is trying to revamp the program for next year to include special education schools. This is a perfect opportunity to play with the program before we really have to use it. I believe once the teachers become comfortable with the program, it won’t be so bad. Modeling is a good way to teach and I think if our liaisons took the time and demonstrated the ability of the program, we all would get a better understanding of what is expected and the user rate would increase.

Finally, after building confidence and seeing how this program is beneficial to the school system, I would praise them with positive reinforcement and feedback. Most people feel the need of recognition for their hard work, I would have other teachers compliment them on their usage of the new technology. Everybody likes the feeling of acknowledgement!




A Vision of k-12 Students Today. Retrieved from:

BCPS One. Retrieved from:

Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed.).Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

I responded to: Joy



Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Mindmap Connectivism Module 4

   Connectivism is the process of creating connections and increasing your network involvedness. Networks are creating new ways in which people are learning through social and cultural frameworks. People have the capability of using multiple networks at any time and the opportunity to choose whether or not to use them, engage them or disengage them because not all networks are created with equal strength. According to Orey (2001), he concludes that Siemens says “connectivism is driven by the understanding that decisions are based on rapidly altering foundations. New information is continually being acquired and the ability to draw distinctions between important and unimportant information is vital. Also critical is the ability to recognize when new information alters the landscape based on decisions made yesterday”

     Technology in the 21st century has drastically changed the way in which we live our lives, communicate with others and learn. It has changed mine by allowing me to utilize my time more effectively and efficiently. I am able to take learning on the road (so to speak) by connecting to the internet or any other resources I need. I am also able to learn new information through the use of many networks. Through social media, I can connect and reconnect with many people and stay abreast of current events. I can plan lessons, report on IEP’s and complete progress reports through the convenience of a tablet. I can find solutions to problems and answers to questions by navigating the web.

  Digital tools that make my life easier in my interpersonal communications are wikis, blogs, email and skyping. For my social pleasures, I turn to Facebook, twitter, and Pinterest. In my working environment we use whiteboard, Tap-it and many augmentative devices for the students. I enjoy television, music and internet, which are all accessible via internet. Online learning has given me the opportunity to pursue my education at my own pace. The digital era of the 21st century has come alive and has opened the door to many life opportunities.
Orey, M.(Ed.). (2001). Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved <insert date>, from


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Module 3 Rheingold Video Response

Reflection on Rheingold’s video

     In Rheingold’s (2008) dialog, he claims that humans do have a basic instinct to work with others. Evolution is the key to interaction as a group.  Back in the days, it was “the survival of the fittest”, but as the world matured and language/socialization started to emerge, it became the main frame and people began to realize that in order for some things to get accomplished, teamwork was the answer. He discusses the importance of Wikipedia as a collective developed encyclopedia which contains a summary of human knowledge. Rheingold (2008) states that the alphabet was the changing factor and a very powerful tool declaring “new forms of wealth emerged” and still going strong today.  In my opinion, it is a matter of do you want to work with others or work individually? I like to do both. Sometimes too many chiefs is not beneficial, but on the flip side, when one chief drops the ball (so to speak), the other one is there to pick up the pieces. We all learn from each other’s teaching methods and gain knowledge. I think it really depends on the task at hand if collaboration is a key tool or not.

     Technology can play a part in facilitating collaboration through the use of blogs, office, podcasts, docs, wikis, discussion boards, and other technologies. Discovery learning is the primary thought process where learners develop their own knowledge through analysis of their own familiarities. Discovery learning does not mean that it is unguided, it means that learners will be provided with the tools, resources, and necessary support to guide them through their own learning manner.

Collaboration is defined as “a recursive process where two or more together toward an intersection of common sharing knowledge, learning, and building consensus” (Lomas, Burke & Page. 2008). Constructivism offers multiple ways of learning which allows for greater success.


     “The Internet offers multiple pathways to learning, using hypertext/hypermedia as a constructivist learning tool. Carefully designed materials presented online can assist individuals’ construction of knowledge by providing alternative pathways to information and making that information easily accessible from any location that has system facilities” (How does Technology Facilitate Constructivist Learning).

     The study below provides insight on how teachers examined themselves team teaching with others. It goes on to reveal how the teachers learned and discovered the benefits of collaborative work.

Here are some responses from teachers after working collaboratively together; “I mean it took so much time…but then we became much more at ease with the process and I think also much more comfortable with each other and we began to collaborate in a much more fluid way” and “the presence of another pushed us to go deeper, emphasizes the opportunity for reflective practice through the process of collaborative teaching” (Lester & Evans, 2009).




Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education

Lester, J. N., & Evans, K. R. (2009). Instructors' Experiences of Collaboratively Teaching: Building Something Bigger. International Journal Of Teaching And Learning In Higher Education, 20(3), 373-382.

Lomas, C., Burke, M. & Page, C.L. (2008). Collaborative Tools. Retrieved from:

Rheingold, H. (2008, February). Howard Rheingold on collaboration [Video file]. Retrieved from:

I have replied to:


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cognitivism as a Learning Theory

7105 Mod 2 Blog Post

Which –ism to use?

This seems to be a controversial area when it comes to learning. So which –ism shall be used: Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism, or Connectivism? You ask yourself the question, “How does one determine if learning has actually occurred?”  Bill Kerr and Karl Kapp converse over learning theories and the influence it has on student learners. After reading the blog by Kerr (2007), I believe that all –isms should be given the opportunity to be presented to the learner, so the learner can figure out which way is the best way to learn. I believe in the “mixed” bag effect. Karl Kapp (2007) wrote to Bill stating, “I particularly like your comment about the concept of taking a little bit from each school of thought, I really believe that is the essence of good educational design. Creating learning utilizing an entire tool kit of philosophies, techniques and ideas”. Dreana Marshall-Stuart supports Kapp’s (2007) statement by saying,  “It is true that no one theory can stand alone and be strong in itself, but if we apply different aspects of each theory to fill a particular learning need then we may be able to design a course that can be consider exceptional in terms of the learning processes”.

After reading the blog by Kerr (2007), this quote sums it all up. I love it! “Since no two people are alike, we will never get to a point where one -ism will serve all”.

There are so many level of learners in one classroom, I don’t think just one theory would suit all. Since I have been taking this class, I find myself wondering about what theories are used in the special education learning environment. So my question to you is, “What do you think is the best theory for learning for students with learning disabilities?” I found an article on the web that briefly talks about learning theories and special education by Gwen Hardy:

These articles describe many theories that might meet the needs of a special needs child. Hardy goes on to say, “there is a long list of theories that can be applied as different strategies to help teach children, so one is not working, find a new one”. I agree with her that not one theory will benefit all students just as Kapp’s (2007) blogs confer.


 “Since no two people are alike, we will never get to a point where one -ism will serve all”. Retrieved from:

Hardy, Gwen.  A Child with Needs

Kerr, B. (2007, January 1). _isms as filter, not blinker [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Monday, March 9, 2015

EDUC 7105

Mod 1 7105

It is very important that we do not become narrow minded in our teachings because everybody learns in a different way.   The 3 main ways a learner can learn: auditory, visual and tactile-which one are you? I am a visual learner, especially since I am hearing impaired.  Take this fun quiz I stumbled upon (go to learning style), assess your learning preference: 

There are many beliefs and theories on how people learn best in the educational setting. Behaviorism seems to be a foundation of most learning theories. Not only is it based on programmed instruction, sequenced curricula, workbooks and work stations, it is learned through practice and reinforcement. Behaviorism is based on observable behavior that is measurable, whether a desired behavior or undesired. The reason my beliefs are influenced by the Behaviorist point of view, is my teaching background. I have taught in the special education field, first at The Maryland School for the Blind and now Ridge Ruxton. Ridge Ruxton School, where I formerly work, provides programs for students from three to twenty-one years of age who have been identified as developmentally delayed, intellectually limited, autistic-like, and/or multiple disabilities. We use IEP’s (Individualized Education Program) which demonstrate the need to teach each student individually because of their learning needs.

Siemens (2008) suggests that “The change pressures within society (millennium learners, information growth, advancing technologies) are increasingly being confronted within education, suggesting the need for research on tools and required educational approaches in order to meet learners needs” (p.7). There has been discussions that some higher institutions are not meeting these needs. In reality, we need “to align teaching and learning with the realities of the new global century” (p.8). In actuality, we are in a new era and will continue to push the boundaries with educational innovations.

 For your viewing pleasure, please click on link below as it will ease us into this class.


Siemens, G. (2008, January 27). Learning and Knowing in networks: Changing roles for     educators and designers. Paper presented to ITFORUM. Retrieved from

What’s Your Learning Style? The learning Styles    Retrieved from Web:    
Learning Theories Overview   Retrieved from the web and created by